Dear Students and Teachers Around the World,

Our school is committed to fostering students’ ability to think and act in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As part of this initiative, students engage in research-based learning every two weeks. They explore their chosen topics, discuss their findings, visit relevant places, and continuously refine their questions to deepen their understanding.

Today marks the culmination of their hard work. We invite you to listen to their presentations, learn from their insights, and ask questions to further enrich the discussion.

Presentation Details:

Morning Session (Japan Time):
Our Ggrade 12 students will deliver individual presentations. Each presentation lasts approximately 10 minutes, followed by a 5-minute Q&A session.

The presentation will take place on January 31st at 9:15 AM (Japan Time). For your convenience, the corresponding times in other regions are as follows:

2:15 AM on January 31st (Finnish Time)
0:15 AM on January 31st (Irish Time)
4:15 PM on January 30th (Seattle and Vancouver Time)
7:15 AM on January 31st (Thai Time)
1:15 PM on January 31st (New Zealand Time)
10:15 AM on January 31st (Queensland, Australia Time)


Afternoon Session (Japan Time):
Our Grade 11 students will present in groups. Each group presentation also lasts about 10 minutes, followed by a 10-minute Q&A session.

The presentation will take place on January 31st at 12:30 PM (Japan Time). We encourage you to join these as well.

5:30 AM on January 31st (Finnish Time)
3:30 AM on January 31st (Irish Time)
7:30 PM on January 30th (Seattle and Vancouver Time)
10:30 AM on January 31st (Thai Time)
4:15 PM on January 31st (New Zealand Time)
1:30 PM on January 31st (Queensland, Australia Time)


Participation Guidelines:
• You can move freely between breakout rooms to attend the presentations that interest you the most.
• Feel free to join or leave at any time based on your schedule.
• We encourage active participation, especially from students in other countries, as this is a wonderful opportunity to exchange diverse perspectives and ideas.
• Please sign up to participate in the presentations.  Use the link below to register by providing your name and email address. We will send you the Zoom URL one day before the presentation.

[ Application Form is Here]

The topics of presentation (Grade 12 students) are as follows:

We will be using Zoom breakout rooms. You are free to move between any of the rooms as you wish.

  • room 1
    (1) Discrimination Problem from the Perspective of Disney animation -Expressions that Change with the Times-
    (2) Becoming a Pet Foster Parent
    (3) Building an Environmentally Friendly Home
    (4) Areas Where People Want to Continue Living -What kind of areas make us want to continue living in?-
    (5) About Sleep and Labor in the Working Generation
  • room 2
    (1) Marine Pollution -To Protect the Oceans of the Future-
    (2) I Should Encourage Students Volunteer Activities
    (3) Health Hazards Caused by Health Foods and Supplements
    (4) Japanese Healthcare -What We Can Do to Increase Japan’s Healthcare Delivery rate-
  • room 3
    (1) Gender Equality -Japan’s Challenges and Other Countries’ Policies-
    (2) The Impact of Social Media Use on Self-Evaluation
    (3) Is It Important to Work Long Hours?
    (4) Relationship between Smartphone Use, Exercise Habits, and Mental Health
    (5) Child Poverty in Japan
  • room 4
    (1) The relationship between grades and self-esteem
    (2) The three major infectious diseases -What we can do to raise awareness of the three major infectious diseases-
    (3) The increase in child abouse and the relationship between local activities
    (4) Increasing the number of children’s cafeterias and forming local communities
    (5) Generation Z Love AI
  • room 5
    (1) About Believing in Fortune Telling
    (2) Battery Cage with Our Diet
    (3) Water Safety in Japan
    (4) Changes in Society with the Evolution of AI Technology
    (5) The Relationship between Japan’s Nursing Care Problem and Gender Equality
  • room 6
    (1) New Relationships Born from Cross-Cultural Understanding
    (2) Measures to Address the Decline in Nursing Care Workers
    (3) The Current State of Second Language Acquisition and Individual Differences
    (4) Our Lives Related to Beautification Activities in the Muko River and the Mahaze
  • room 7
    (1) Differences between Educational Forms in Finland and Japan
    (2) Life during the Earthquake
    (3) The Role Expected of Libraries in the Future
    (4) Money-Related Happiness
    (5) Language Barriers in the Medical Field


The topics of presentation (Grade 11 students) are as follows:

We have only one room for the presentations. You will remain in this room throughout the event.

  • Group A
    Impact of Global Warming on the Ocean and Living Things
  • Group B
    Child Care Leave
  • Group C
    How to Reduce the Poverty
  • Group D
    The Future Technology
  • Group E
    Teaches’ Job Satisfaction
  • Group F
    Reform of Working Styles in the Educational Fields

We hope you will enjoy learning about the unique perspectives and efforts of our students. Your participation and feedback would mean a lot to them.

Warm regards,
Mukogawa Women’s University Junior and Senior High School